Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bad Photographer and Dilemma of week

Today is our school Larian Kecergasan.
It start with a show of break-dance which i found not so interesting show this time.
And then its Danial, Foo and me time. We are responsible for the opening ceremony for Larian Kecergasan.
We invite special guest to start the robot to cut the string to let go of balloon but one of the robot go out from the track but the other one is okay so it still fly into sky. The balloon consist of helium gas and some liquid which make it can last for 30 hours if there is no charge hit it. If it just consist of helium its only can last for 8 hours. After that, i took Ashraf camera and start taking picture. Actually i did not really know how to use DSLR but i try to learn (still in process) but for compact camera i already know. I just do not know how to edit using camera and set the camera for good picture (I am using manual not auto since it is DSLR camera). Some photos are bad but Ashraf can edit it. This time for our Larian, our headmistress called some athlete to our school and they teaches us a bit and give some motivation for students. Students are divided to their own club games and the athlete. (rugby, olahraga, karate, badminton, netball, football and cricket)
This time Hang Kasturi win again, Hang Tuah (if im not mistaken) and Hang Jebat for third.

Dilemma of week
Busy with homework, robotic, scouts, koperasi and so on.
Since school start last week im still did not rest. Everyday stay-back at school. Im so tired. Since camp just finished but i still did not get enough sleep. Everyday at school i felt want to sleep in class (for the first time in my school life). Amazing right? Even at home it still same. I hope this Saturday and Sunday i will recover and be well mental and physical. Pray for me.

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