Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Matriculation Semester I Finish~

Hey followers,

It has been a long time right?

Im just finished my semester 1 at Perlis Matriculation College. Before i went back there was a MUET test which is reading, writing and listening.

Alhamdulillah i can do listening well. Writing i'm confident with the point but somehow im afraid i left something important things which i mislooked. Reading like always just so hard. Just hope it will not let my hope of getting band 5 crumble. :(

Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi (PSPM) I just doing well. But im fucked up with the Mathematics. Im not going to blame other as it was my fault that i dont study much and wastes the times.
English paper doing fine like always. For economy the essay part i write like a book eventhough i know that the fact just wrong a bit. But anyway im not give up but just wrote what i knew right? Accounting are okay but the 'balancing' part not balance but im try to balance. what a fool to. I thinking im losing one mark. just because of it. For business its no problem. Hopefully getting 100% like UPS before :D

So thats all.

I already set up Semester II schedule in my mind. InsyaAllah i can do it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Baru perasan kadang-kadang post aku merepek dekat blog -.-


Tinggal 12 hari sahaja lagi sebelum aku masuk ke Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis. Yup, P-E-R-L-I-S. Jauh gila. Hujung negeri. Dekat saja dengan sempadan Malaysia-Thailand. Ramai cikgu kata kalau bercuti pergilah Hatyai. Haha InsyaAllah. Pastu ada cikgu pesan bawa balik Mangga harum manis yang dekat Perlis saja ada.

Barang-barang pakaian dah selesai. Tinggal barang-barang lain sahaja lagi~ :D

Dan kena minta tandatangan Pengetua sebagai saksi....

Monday, March 26, 2012


From my results, my father told me i dont have to study for STPM and he suggested to me to taking Law course  at UIAM. As he seen from my personality and else.
I just need to improve my english skills.
He gave me RM100 wow. One piece of money. So i kept it for saving.
Law? I think i might do it. I will  be either judges, magistrate or PTD.

SPM results

Hey its already 5 days after the results out. So i got 3A's which is English, Mathematics and Pendidikan Islam. Awesome right? Eventhough i did not even study last year. Maybe it just im focus in class. So lucky me :D For my class, i am the first one to took the results since i am the most relaxed person about SPM. Some of my friends they were very mad at me because i did not study and even got tuitions. >< Everyday went mad. The first one i told after i get it was my mom of course. My dad asked me what i got for History and Bahasa Malaysia. B+ only. I did not get to beat him. So its okay. I did not study. Haha.

My cousin aqilah got 11A. Amar got 2A if im right. Atirah 3A just like me. Anis i dont remember.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I am currently going to gym. Now i now how it hurts when doing muscle training.

My instructor instructed me well.

The Gym was so nice.

Manikayu Induction Course

I joined manikayu induction course few weeks ago with my friend.

I a bit mad at him -.- He doesnt know how to read map and then say he know the place. Lucky him it was his transport. But his mother also mad at him for saying he know the place.

The course took 8 hours to complete it. So exhausting. But learn something new about scouts song, scouts origin, and flag rising ceremony.

The book we get was so thick.