Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011


Teramat sakit segala-galanya di badan. 

Aku hanya berserah kepada Allah SWT untuk menyembuhkan aku..

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kem Minda Bestari PMR & SPM 2011

1. Kem ni best la.
2. Komandan Kem dia memang ganas. Nasib baik dia tak mengamuk. Kalau tak habis
3. Aktiviti semua fun. Game best. Senaman dia best. Daki gunung best. Tapi tak cukup masa nak buat obstacle course. Alaaa..
4. Hari terakhir kem jadi Komander untuk persembahan kawad peserta. Suara kuat gila waktu bagi arahan *jarang buat*.
5. Waktu turun gunung siapa duduk belakang memang bestlah dengan fasilitator dekat belakang.
6. Pasang khemah hari kedua tak patutlah.
7. Tidur pada hari kedua hanya tiga puluh minit saja. Dalam bus tak tidur.
8. Senaman dia memang sedap badan. Terus tak sakit.
9. Lagu yang dipasang dekat sana. Memang semangat lah. tapi tak tahu tajuk lagu dia.
10. Waktu berkumpul, abg Mus kenakan *imam muda*, *mengaji*, *mengajar* tak cakap apa-apa pun.
11. Jadilah helang yang hebat
12. Ketua kumpulan 1.
13. Komander untuk 118 peserta yang lain pada hari akhir untuk persembahan kawad. Ramai kata suara lantang habis.
14. Suara dah jadi lagi macho.
15. Kontroversi waktu mula main permainan duduk beberapa orang. *1 hingga 10 orang dan akhir sekali 119*
16. Main tarik kertas ikut arahan 'tarik,tertarik,menarik'
17. Penat juga naik bukit. Minum air lepas 3 jam naik. Hebatkan? Minum sikit je. Orang lain habiskan.
18. Makan menu sama tiap-tiap hari.
19. Cerita 3 orang remaja dengan imam.
20. Sorakan kumpulan simple je 'Kita redah je!*
21. Night walk tergelak aku. First time night walk, banyak orang baca ayat suci. Dengan jerit lagi.
22. Jerit nama ahli kumpulan memang agak hilang suara.
23. Main bawa air ramai-ramai pasukan lelaki dan perempuan memang mencabar.
24. Jatuhkan pen dalam botol ramai-ramai guna mulut memang mencabar sikap kerjasama. 15 kali!
25. Kawad 2 kali je try.
26. Peserta terbaik ramai kata tak kena.
27. Nyanyi lagu semua semangat.
28. Sorakan dan tepukan memang hebatlah. 2,3,2,3,10,10, Heh!! KD4! Satu misi, satu visi, satu matlamat! Breath in. HA!!
29. WOW!
30. Duduk, bangun dengan cepat.
31. Banyak jerit. BOLEH,FAHAM,NAK,WOW!
32. Permainan lilin cikgu tak bagi kerjasama, macam apa je.
33. Fashion show memang best.
34. Treasure hunt agak mencabar. lebih-lebih lagi dengan ahli kumpulan yang cari klu macam tak cari.
35. Kumpul star.
36. Keyakinan diri.
37. Mind over body.
To be continue.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Tomorrow i have camp but i need to go to school that morning.
My parents going to JB tomorrow while i have camp.
But never mind i prefer getting more experiences.
This year i think everyone keep talk and ask me about school things.
I admit i know much about the school.
Back to the topic, this camp we 'guys' need to come at 2.30pm sharp.
I wonder if the teachers really know if we pray at section 5 the pray will end at 2.20pm.
But if section 5 2.10pm. I wonder if teacher concern about where we live? They should say 2.30 until 2.45pm! Its a serious matter. We are dealing with Allah S.W.T. when we pray.
This year i think the school policy are too much.
I have many friends and teacher that sometimes they do not know what they were talking about. They pretend like they are the expert while they just saying something that an expert would never say. Well maybe you are good in some subject or things but not all. You only know to critic, critic, critic it! Then why not you do it by yourself. Sometimes before we talk or laugh we should think again whether we should say, laugh or any action.

Sometime people comment that i am too weird/unique/extraordinary but i do not care about what they say because I am me. I try to be better. I am not a talker much unless there are something important because it waste my time and collect sins. I do not want to have special relationship with girls but i already two times had a relationship because my friends say i am 'gay'. I am so sorry for those that had relationship with me previously.

Now i already ignore my phone unless someone message or call me. Its already a month and i still did not top up.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Since yesterday i have been so hyper and i don't know why. 
Even my friend scare of me and wanted to punch me. 
Sorry for anything.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bad Photographer and Dilemma of week

Today is our school Larian Kecergasan.
It start with a show of break-dance which i found not so interesting show this time.
And then its Danial, Foo and me time. We are responsible for the opening ceremony for Larian Kecergasan.
We invite special guest to start the robot to cut the string to let go of balloon but one of the robot go out from the track but the other one is okay so it still fly into sky. The balloon consist of helium gas and some liquid which make it can last for 30 hours if there is no charge hit it. If it just consist of helium its only can last for 8 hours. After that, i took Ashraf camera and start taking picture. Actually i did not really know how to use DSLR but i try to learn (still in process) but for compact camera i already know. I just do not know how to edit using camera and set the camera for good picture (I am using manual not auto since it is DSLR camera). Some photos are bad but Ashraf can edit it. This time for our Larian, our headmistress called some athlete to our school and they teaches us a bit and give some motivation for students. Students are divided to their own club games and the athlete. (rugby, olahraga, karate, badminton, netball, football and cricket)
This time Hang Kasturi win again, Hang Tuah (if im not mistaken) and Hang Jebat for third.

Dilemma of week
Busy with homework, robotic, scouts, koperasi and so on.
Since school start last week im still did not rest. Everyday stay-back at school. Im so tired. Since camp just finished but i still did not get enough sleep. Everyday at school i felt want to sleep in class (for the first time in my school life). Amazing right? Even at home it still same. I hope this Saturday and Sunday i will recover and be well mental and physical. Pray for me.