Monday, March 21, 2011

School start again

Today is first day we school after one week holiday.
The temperature just nice.
But somehow, after school open.
Too much work to do, like exam corrections.
But i don't care so much about the homeworks.
And tomorrow have one day course for Ahli Lembaga Koperasi.
What i care most are science fair, camping, marching show and Hari Anugerah Cemerlang.
And all of this are on this Saturday!
I need to train my people for marching show and then camp.
Science fair luckily i am not choose to be leader for each subject. I have two experiments which steam boat and the parachute things.
Now i need to stay at school for whole weeks (7 Days)! Monday to Thursday i will go back home when evening. But start from Friday i will stay at school until Sunday.
It will terribly exhaust week.
But this maybe only come once in a life, it will become a good memory.
Pray for me to able go through all of this.

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