Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Flying Egg

Today, Danial and me entered flying egg competition.
He gave my name yesterday without i knowing but i am grateful that he remembered that i want to entered this.
So yesterday after back home we did not even remembered about it until his brother reminded him. It 10 o'clock when he message me about that but he left a note at facebook. We did not even discussed anything about the project. We only talked a bit about what to brought and how the things will look like.
We make the project different (it's not a parachute like people always did) from others because we want to prove that we as science stream students can make something different and creative.
The design of it we took from a random picture and then we adjusted the design.
So finally about today, we make it a bit when recess time and continued after school.
We took some 'lidi' from his 'girlfriend' house. We do it at Anjung Semarak Minda and a lot of people came to us and ask 'what is that'?. Asyraf and Atiq helped us with how to make it look more nice.
At 3 o'clock our physics teacher or judge came and say 'very creative' and she want to use our 'flying egg things' for science fair. But we actually doing physics with her and maybe she still did not recognize us yet.
We named 'the things' as EXPERIMENT I and maybe i will upload the picture soon. Insha-Allah.
Only two or three groups from morning session including us. We weighed our experiment I and it was 200g. Everyone just keep asking us "did the rotor can move?" and "nice one".
We throw it from 3rd floors of Block Damai and we glad the rotor oscillate nicely and the egg did not break because that time we still did not try it so it was first try and we did it.
We got Full Marks everyone said but we don't mind. We sat to look for other groups parachute.
After everything finished we try again for 2nd time and this time the rotor did not oscillate but the egg did not break yet.

Ps: Sorry for my english. :)

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