Monday, March 28, 2011

Two busy weeks

Like what i said in last posts.
I have camp for 3 days and so exhausted.
My old injury came back.
My camera nearly lost.
Today, science exhibition.
I explained about everything at physics exhibiton when no one in charge of them .
I joined the rocket experiment and whole school look at us in middle of Dataran Harmoni from every floor  but block Aman can't look. My first and second attempt successful but third and fourth fail. Everyone screaming for it. Today our school were so noisy with everyone shouting for rocket until people inside the school office hear about it and wonder what happen.
Everyone keep say about it when meet me. Haha
Its a nice memory anyway.

Monday, March 21, 2011

School start again

Today is first day we school after one week holiday.
The temperature just nice.
But somehow, after school open.
Too much work to do, like exam corrections.
But i don't care so much about the homeworks.
And tomorrow have one day course for Ahli Lembaga Koperasi.
What i care most are science fair, camping, marching show and Hari Anugerah Cemerlang.
And all of this are on this Saturday!
I need to train my people for marching show and then camp.
Science fair luckily i am not choose to be leader for each subject. I have two experiments which steam boat and the parachute things.
Now i need to stay at school for whole weeks (7 Days)! Monday to Thursday i will go back home when evening. But start from Friday i will stay at school until Sunday.
It will terribly exhaust week.
But this maybe only come once in a life, it will become a good memory.
Pray for me to able go through all of this.

Being a leader.

Being a leader is one big responsibilities to take especially for an active club or school.
I need to think a lot everyday to make the club better including school.
I hold too many position at school.
Even when my friend and me hang out for long journey to kl it always me have to make decision.
But i can't regret holding too many position because it is a challenge for me whether i can lead 'my people'.
Sometimes when people choose their leader, they pick wrong man.
They choose by their look not their potentials.
I become a leader because i already convinced the teachers to trust me take the responsibilities.

p/s: i will edit this post.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Orang memandang tinggi kepada saya untuk melakukan macam-macam tetapi itu hanya luaran. Mereka tidak tahu apa yang berlaku dalaman saya. 

Otak makin bercelaru memikirkan macam-macam perkara setelah meningkat dewasa sampai perkara yang telah diketahui sudah salah. Pemikiran logik makin tidak betul. Lain-lain perkara pun sama. 

Sejak menjadi tingkatan 4 sehingga sudah tingkatan 5 apa perkara yang belajar sudah susah nak ingat walaupun ada perkara yang memang dah pakar tetapi masuk tingkatan 4 sudah tak betul seperti bahasa melayu, bahasa inggeris, matematik, sains (biologi, kimia dan fizik), sejarah dan lain-lain. Tetapi Alhamdulillah subjek Agama paling hebat.
I hate world now.
Too much of sin everywhere.
People has lost their true feelings because of the gene they carried now.
Everyone keep complaints about all.

This world going to end soon.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This week is exam week and few days more we will get one week holiday.

I have totally admit that i did not read or touch book until the day before the exam and 1 hour before i sleep.

Exam are so hard.

Only if i am hardworking enough maybe i can do better.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Today, my home modem did not get the Local Area Connection so maybe streamyx internet places being affected by lightning last night. It seriously scary lightning. Maybe you guys wonder how come i open internet while my internet can not be access. I am actually using the wifi from the streamyx modem at the laptop.

I guess it's so hard to explain what really happen.

Hope streamyx people will repair it asap.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Latihan merentas desa yang tidak memenatkan sangat cuma stamina saja tiada.
Amat pelik bila nak naik bukit tiba-tiba boleh lari dengan pantas.
Mungkin saya perlu berlatih kembali supaya banyak stamina dan pantas seperti di SJK (C) dulu sampai jadi wakil. sekolah.
Tetapi malangnya selepas berpindah sekolah sudah tidak aktif sampai sekarang dan cepat sakit.
Mungkin kini perlu mula membaik pulih badan.

I start to search for how to do it and manage to find some which tips and way from the experts. Hopefully i will have a strength to practice.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Flying Egg

Today, Danial and me entered flying egg competition.
He gave my name yesterday without i knowing but i am grateful that he remembered that i want to entered this.
So yesterday after back home we did not even remembered about it until his brother reminded him. It 10 o'clock when he message me about that but he left a note at facebook. We did not even discussed anything about the project. We only talked a bit about what to brought and how the things will look like.
We make the project different (it's not a parachute like people always did) from others because we want to prove that we as science stream students can make something different and creative.
The design of it we took from a random picture and then we adjusted the design.
So finally about today, we make it a bit when recess time and continued after school.
We took some 'lidi' from his 'girlfriend' house. We do it at Anjung Semarak Minda and a lot of people came to us and ask 'what is that'?. Asyraf and Atiq helped us with how to make it look more nice.
At 3 o'clock our physics teacher or judge came and say 'very creative' and she want to use our 'flying egg things' for science fair. But we actually doing physics with her and maybe she still did not recognize us yet.
We named 'the things' as EXPERIMENT I and maybe i will upload the picture soon. Insha-Allah.
Only two or three groups from morning session including us. We weighed our experiment I and it was 200g. Everyone just keep asking us "did the rotor can move?" and "nice one".
We throw it from 3rd floors of Block Damai and we glad the rotor oscillate nicely and the egg did not break because that time we still did not try it so it was first try and we did it.
We got Full Marks everyone said but we don't mind. We sat to look for other groups parachute.
After everything finished we try again for 2nd time and this time the rotor did not oscillate but the egg did not break yet.

Ps: Sorry for my english. :)
I have a habit want to break up with someone that become close with me.
I am so sorry.
You should never let me attracted and nice to someone.