AP File Photo // Building your stamina
Tip #1: Alter your pace, alter your perception
Long distance running is as much a mental battle as it is a physical battle. As much as you think your body can't take the stress levels, half of it really is just your mind telling you so. The trick here is to change your perception. This can be achieved in many ways.
One is to go from your ordinary running pace to sudden bursts of top speed, then slowing back down to your normal pace again. This fools your body and mind into thinking that those sudden bursts of speed are the real killer, and that your normal pace is just fine.
Another trick is to include steep hill climbs. Working the same way as the above method, this fools your body into thinking those steep hills are the hard stuff, and before you know it, your level paths become the easy bits.

Tip #2: Having the right shoes
Yes, this has probably been said too often already, but it really is that important. Uncomfortable shoes start out 'no-too-bad', but gradually take its toll on your feet. The more it hurts, the more energy, concentration and stamina you will lose. We urge you to splurge. Proper running shoes make running comfortable and painless throughout the journey.
Tip #3 Stay hydrated
Probably the easiest way to ensure that you run out of fuel during a run is to not drink enough water. Make sure your body has had enough to drink before you head out on those long runs. And when possible, carry a bottle of water with you or arrange for a premeditated water stop along your route.

Tip #4 Gradually increase your heart rate
Most amateur runners find that the most difficult part of their runs is often the beginning part of their runs. This is often for a couple of reasons. One in particular, stems from running too fast too soon. Demanding too much of your body too soon only leaves you overworking muscles and organs. Start slow, even if it means walking for you. Give your muscles and organs, you heart most importantly, time to gradually adapt to the increasing demands.

Tip #5 Practise rhythmic breathing
Inhaling and exhaling is a thoughtless process for most of the time, but for when you run. Sometimes, excessive breathing in, and breathing out can hamper your stamina because of the imbalanced intake. Try focusing your energy on steady and consistent breaths to match your demands and get into a rhythm doing it.

Tip #6 Eat well, Live well, Run wellAgain, one of the easiest ways to reduce your stamina is to ignore your living habits. This means eating the wrong kinds of foods, sleeping irregularly and insufficiently, smoking, alcohol over-consumption and all those other bad bits. Keep it fresh and keep it healthy. There's no better way to give your body its much needed supplements than to live right.

Tip #7 Persistence pays

If you don't have a minimum three-day-a-week routine, get one. If you do have one, stick to it. If you've been sticking to it, increase it. The more you get yourself out there and run, the more your body adapts to the high demands put on it. Expect nothing less than your hard work to pay off.

Source: Sporst MSN