Sunday, February 27, 2011


Saya suka seni tapi malangnya nak ambil subjek seni banyak sangat masalah.
Jadi saya hanya belajar sendiri seni dan tidak bercadang untuk mengambil exam dia.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Sorry that i am a boring person because im not the type that talk so much. I love to think more than talk. Only when i have the right time and right thing need to talk i talk. I am not a so socialize person. 
When people walk with me or sit near me they will feel the weird and uneasy aura. 

Birthday Celebration

Kelmarin sambutan ke21 hari jadi abang saya jadi kami pun sambut lepas maghrib.

Happy Birthday Abang yang suka cari gaduh!

Pandai-pandai sengetkan kepala xD


Ayat-ayat yang diucapkan oleh saya memang berbunyi ayat tersirat sebab kadang-kadang nak kena bagi orang berfikir dan maksud dia juga berbentuk subjektif.

Minta maaf kalau anda tidak faham.


I am not really good with English.
I have a problem speaking English with a people that are my own race because im thinking that we have our own language so why want to use other language with your own people.
But when with other races i can speak fluently depend on the situation.

I still practicing to improve all language that im still learn.

Money and things

I thing every teenager and unworking people need to understand that what ever you say you buy the things with your own money.
You need to understand that it is not your money. Even what ever you use or own right now actually are your parents. You just borrowing it from them. So try to use that money for good.
And the money that you got from your related family or friends or anyone when 'Raya' that still not yours.

You only may call the money your own when you worked for that.


Finally cool and must watch movie coming to this town. 
On my list a must watch are Black Swan, King's Speech and 127 Hours.
The other movies maybe depends if i have enough money since i have a lot of things to buy.
I am number four? Thats totally not on my list. Im just sick of those genre movies.
I need something that really will make me impress and say awesome.


I think it already become a trend for every teenagers to have camera, phone and more.

But the topic that i want to touch right now is about camera.
I think it become a trend that when about camera its all will be about DSLR or its long name 'Digital single-lens reflex camera'. I wonder the one that use the camera now about it true long name.
When they own the DLSR they already thought that they already become a real photographer.
Come on, the real photographer are the one that really know about the skill how to capture beautiful picture and make it look alive. At my school i think only two people that i would say they can become a real one which one of them is my senior and the other one is my friend (a girl). 
I would say that it is a waste of your money or your parents money for buying it for you so you can show off to your friends but you didnt know anything all about the camera. You should just buy a nice small digital camera because it is much easier to bring anywhere.

Well, i admit that i dont know so much about DSLR until my friend buy it. 
DSLR was just for real photographer because of the prices and so many things to buy.

I have two camera which Canon Powershot A480 and the one that use the film.
I totally love the one with the film since it is more interesting than using DLSR or auto camera. I know you will say im too old fashioned but if you ever try to take a picture and you cant see the picture immediately until you go to shop to 'cuci' the picture. You will know that it was so challenging that you will keep harder to improve your technique until you can be satisfy to see picture that you capture but nowaday technology improve and make it more easier.

Actually i have a lot to say more but thats all for today.

ps: do comment if anything wrong.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Today, we distribute last year school magazine.
But somehow of course there were a lot of critic about the magazine like why not all in color and so on.
Actually what a disappointment were the bon voyage page for form 5. I looked at all other school magazine the bon voyage page all in color but we arent.

What i really do for D'fourians
Form1-4 When the day for the photography must call the class and so on. -.- So i hope that this year it would not be what i will do again. Sick of it for 4 years!!

Here is one story.

I become part of D'fourians when form1 because that time 'koperasi' teacher manage the photography day.
When form2 Pn Muha asked us if we interested so i wrote my name. Even the Editor and Assistant editor at that time actually my sister and her friends.
By the time i entered form3 i didnt came for the meeting so i totally be disqualified but when the day of class photo. D'fourians teachers always asked for 'us' help even when im form4.
And last year the teacher and editor chief let me in so i become again.
This year we will wait for what teacher will say.

ps: sorry broken english

Thursday, February 24, 2011

You should think THRICE before do ANYTHING

Yesterday i saw some 'guy' throw away some chocolate that he bought for his crush but somehow he didnt found her and the chocolate already melting and he just throw it into dustbin. When i know, its like i want to shout why the hell you waste your 8ringgit and just throw it away. Give it to your friends, FRIENDS! or just eat it by yourself. Next day i know he bought  another one but he successful give it to 'her'. That morning he said that if he didnt manage to give it he will keep it for memory.

Monday, February 21, 2011


I want to say Happy Scouts Founder Day which should be tomorrow. :D

Scouts salutes!

Hello Guys

Ok so how long i didnt update my blog?

Lately i am too busy with school things. Well, last year of schools are so tough. Homeworks just too many but im still can overcome it. My biology teacher keeps picked me to answer her weird questions. -___-"

School news:
- Headmistress that change everything until i need to do more school things.
- A new nice and bad teachers.
- Need to do newsletter
- Everyone keep depending on me to update homeworks and things that relate to "Internet". I know im an internet freak but doesnt everyone can do it?
- My english teachers keep saying i have growth well. She teached me when im form 2.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Rasulullah S.A.W. Bersabda

"Dan janganlah kamu banyak ketawa kerana banyak ketawa itu mematikan hati (riwayat Ahmad dan at-Tirmizi)."

Saidina Umar al-Khattab pernah berkata, seseorang yang banyak ketawa nescaya akan kurang rasa takutnya kepada Allah. Apabila rasa takutnya berkurangan, maka akan kuranglah taatnya kepada Allah.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Dear Blog,

Today is a good day. Wake up at 7.30am. Wash my sport shoes. It became more shining :D.
Went to McD to do works but back early... Argued with someone... 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Table manner

I seriously forgot to use table manner rules.
Need to learn it back since i really bad when it comes to hold spoon and fork.


Yesterday my friend and me went to seksyen 10 community forest park.
My body were in pain.

Today i went to Mid Valley City to collect my prizes for walking dead but unfortunately i forgot that today was Wilayah Day so my mission still didnt complete. Will go next week.

Bus RM4