Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Matriculation Semester I Finish~

Hey followers,

It has been a long time right?

Im just finished my semester 1 at Perlis Matriculation College. Before i went back there was a MUET test which is reading, writing and listening.

Alhamdulillah i can do listening well. Writing i'm confident with the point but somehow im afraid i left something important things which i mislooked. Reading like always just so hard. Just hope it will not let my hope of getting band 5 crumble. :(

Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi (PSPM) I just doing well. But im fucked up with the Mathematics. Im not going to blame other as it was my fault that i dont study much and wastes the times.
English paper doing fine like always. For economy the essay part i write like a book eventhough i know that the fact just wrong a bit. But anyway im not give up but just wrote what i knew right? Accounting are okay but the 'balancing' part not balance but im try to balance. what a fool to. I thinking im losing one mark. just because of it. For business its no problem. Hopefully getting 100% like UPS before :D

So thats all.

I already set up Semester II schedule in my mind. InsyaAllah i can do it.