Monday, October 31, 2011

Use by others

It seems like i had been used by my friends so much.
Imagine this, they did not came to school and then asked me to paid for them for somethings. At first, i am okay but after being used so much i am totally pissed off. I am not that rich to used my money for you guys. I need to use the money for other things. Now with you did not came while you are one of the most highest ranking person in the school. Oh come on! 2nd case, they did not came and told me to take for them somethings for teachers and his ex. Anyway, they did not even told me why they can't come. -.- 3rd case, used to be medium of someone and someone. 4th case, money again and you know what totally pissed me? Its already 4 years and he still did not paid me. Totally nearly RM50. -.- I can 'halal' that but that was your responsibility to paid what you borrowed. My brother also owed me a lot but still did not want to paid it. 5th case, being used for other works but then they kicked me.

Maybe some of the guys who know me read this maybe said i used them also or what. Can you prove it?

ps: A human have their patience limit.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Run away and hide.

You can run and hide from me.
Just hide everything you want!
I don't care anymore. I'm fed up with you already.
I am capable of ignore the existence of anyone.
Try me if you want.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Ok, so now i am here again.

Just got all my trial results except history paper 2.
I am very upset with the results especially Islam.
I dont have any A. Since A only 75 above.
3 fail subject.
Lately i think my learning potential increases since i can do additional mathematics and physics calculations. :D

This week PMR started so i got few days of holiday. Time to revise and clear my mind

One of my problem is with my weight just increases 7kg and now already 64kg. -.-
I try to exercise and fight my urge to eat food.
Maybe i should try to make it to six pack.  hahah