Saturday, September 17, 2011

After everything done,

I will totally vanish for a while until i want to appear again.

Great right, no one care about me really. Just a bullshit when said 'i care about you'.

There is no one understand me and i also does not understand much about anyone.

In the time, i will try to be better about everything.

Parting word


What you expect me to say after you said this word after you annoyed me.|
I want to go back to my loner side again.
I can't accept this anymore.
I try to be much better but the situation doesn't let me to be.
Even my friends stab me from behind.
What a player.
It's boring especially when i'm annoyed with the situation.
Even the smartest things in the world does not mean to be good.


Wrong person,
Wrong friends,
Wrong choices,
Wrong times,
Wrong decision,
Everything wrong.